Friday 28 June 2013

Dear everyone,

Yes. We can't speak English with a native fluency but we'll try to say something interesting. We are on Coll and we are so excited. Many years ago, our dear Charles, a fantastic teacher who introduced us in music chamber world, talked to us about his fabulous island. Now, we can say it has become real. We are sure when we arrive in Barcelona, we will miss so much this musical ambience, full of goodness and brotherhood. Thanks to The Tunnell Trust! We will never forget these days with you!

Diguem-ho en catala (sense accents, el teclat no ho permet): Aixo es una passada! Despres de tants anys hem pogut descobrir la magia d'un lloc del qual haviem sentit a parlar tantes vegades. Les platges desertes i les ovelles campant per tot arreu. Es tracta d'un cumul d'emocions. Sense anar mes lluny, ahir, quan el quintet de vent Aquilon va improvisar un concert pels nens de l'illa. Va ser divertidissim quan algun d'ells va ser convidat a dirigir el grup i els musics feien el possible per seguir les seves "terribles" indicacions.

Here we are known as The Catalan Trio, so we have many problems speaking English. In this sense, we have had funny moments of misunderstanding expressions. "This church is like a diamond" (when we will tried to say "demon"), "See you now" (or maybe, how said Dickie, See you soon or See you later). And we have tried to explain what is the meaning of "con garbo", a musical indication in Circulo by Joaquin Turina.

I que en penseu vosaltres? Com ho farieu? Nosaltres no ens en vam ensortir i s'accepten propostes. Realment estem en un lloc ben diferent. Portem sis dies aqui i encara no hem vist marxar el sol, perque surt a les 4:30 i es pon mes tard de les 23:00. I a sobre fa un fred que pela, plou sovint i hi ha boira. I quan el temps permet sortir a passejar i gaudir de l'aire lliure apareixen les nostres estimades "midges": unes mosquetes entremaliades que piquen i creen un nuvol al voltant de les seves victimes. Un cop t'han enganxat es molt dificil desempallegar-te'n.

Well, it's enough for today. We have an hour for prepare the first concert of the week. We are so glad!!!!

See you now!!!!!!!

Trio Hyagnis

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