Monday 24 June 2013

6 ways to keep your lady happy

1. Book her on a romantic cruise to a remote island.
Relax on board together, share a meal, if the seas heave and turn - take the opportunity to enjoy each others company over a drink.

2. Book a comfy B&B, get to know the locals.
Take the opportunity to experience the cuisine, activities and socialize with the friendly locals.

3. Serenade her with music - or better yet take up a musical instrument.
This is a no-brainer, pick the most romantic music you Rachmaninov...or Beethoven. You'd definitely want to stay away from Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and the like. Sometimes the classics are the best. The harder you work on the instrument the more impressed she will be.

4. Frequent the local watering hole.
There are reasons why alcohol is the social lubricant, a good conversation is a fun conversation.

5. Engage in team-oriented activities.
The more fun you can have together, the closer you'll get - common sense, but plenty of couples (especially after being together for years) find ways to avoid connecting with each other.

6. Go to a concert.
This is probably the best way to unwind after a long week of exploring. It brings people together and gives plenty to talk about - but make sure you pick concerts that contain interesting music.

This is not the definitive list, but it's a good start. The secret lies in how well you can string these points together - take some risks.


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