Sunday 30 June 2013

School Workshop!

The final day of Music Coll is nearly at an end and will be reported fully very soon but we wanted to put up a little something about the visit of the Coll Primary School last Thursday afternoon.

We received a visit from most of the children at Ainagour Primary School on Thursday and they were treated to a recital/workshop from the Aquilon Ensemble. We first spied the snake of youngsters wandering down the brae from Carnan Road as we were finishing our lunch. Then they raced up the path to An Cridhe!

They are lucky enough to receive some very good music tuition on the Island but we were please to offer them a wee introduction to some wind instruments. They had a full tour of the five quintet instruments and sat rapt as the Aquilon performed various pieces. Many questions and demonstrations later, with hose pipe included and some budding conductors and a lot of leaping around to finish, off back to school they went.

You will not find a much more enthusiastic, responsive and well behaved bunch of youngsters anywhere!

Saturday 29 June 2013

1st Concert brings in more than 60 locals for a cracking evening of Chamber Music on Coll.

Yesterday's first concert of Music Coll 2013 took place at An Cridhe with an audience of over 80 including all the Trust musicians and tutors which was way beyond our expectations.

All four groups performed fantastically well after hours of rehearsal and classes.

We hope for a similar attendance tonight and tomorrow.

Many of the audience joined us for dinner afterwards and as usual our chefs did us proud. Fantastic music, fantastic food - oh and a bit of drink to wash things down!

Well done to everyone....

Friday 28 June 2013

Dear everyone,

Yes. We can't speak English with a native fluency but we'll try to say something interesting. We are on Coll and we are so excited. Many years ago, our dear Charles, a fantastic teacher who introduced us in music chamber world, talked to us about his fabulous island. Now, we can say it has become real. We are sure when we arrive in Barcelona, we will miss so much this musical ambience, full of goodness and brotherhood. Thanks to The Tunnell Trust! We will never forget these days with you!

Diguem-ho en catala (sense accents, el teclat no ho permet): Aixo es una passada! Despres de tants anys hem pogut descobrir la magia d'un lloc del qual haviem sentit a parlar tantes vegades. Les platges desertes i les ovelles campant per tot arreu. Es tracta d'un cumul d'emocions. Sense anar mes lluny, ahir, quan el quintet de vent Aquilon va improvisar un concert pels nens de l'illa. Va ser divertidissim quan algun d'ells va ser convidat a dirigir el grup i els musics feien el possible per seguir les seves "terribles" indicacions.

Here we are known as The Catalan Trio, so we have many problems speaking English. In this sense, we have had funny moments of misunderstanding expressions. "This church is like a diamond" (when we will tried to say "demon"), "See you now" (or maybe, how said Dickie, See you soon or See you later). And we have tried to explain what is the meaning of "con garbo", a musical indication in Circulo by Joaquin Turina.

I que en penseu vosaltres? Com ho farieu? Nosaltres no ens en vam ensortir i s'accepten propostes. Realment estem en un lloc ben diferent. Portem sis dies aqui i encara no hem vist marxar el sol, perque surt a les 4:30 i es pon mes tard de les 23:00. I a sobre fa un fred que pela, plou sovint i hi ha boira. I quan el temps permet sortir a passejar i gaudir de l'aire lliure apareixen les nostres estimades "midges": unes mosquetes entremaliades que piquen i creen un nuvol al voltant de les seves victimes. Un cop t'han enganxat es molt dificil desempallegar-te'n.

Well, it's enough for today. We have an hour for prepare the first concert of the week. We are so glad!!!!

See you now!!!!!!!

Trio Hyagnis

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Be you friend or foe, near or far, heed our call.

We are writing this blog in the hope that it will be seen by someone who can offer us succor or aid. This is a matter of  the utmost urgency and we cannot stress enough the importance of these solemn words. Never before has the Park Quartet found itself upon such a confusingly dichotomous mass of land, festering with cows and shoops (not shops, ironically, but shoops, plural of shoop: white, friendly piles of cotton fluff spread throughout the island).

Melancholisch und verzweifelt zurückdenkend an die unschuldigen Morgenstunden des heutigen Tages um 9 Uhr in Coll, erinnern wir uns an einen sonnigen Morgen mit Bananen, Jazz, und ausgeschlafenen Gesichtern. Ein Spaziergang zu Green Cottage in Morgenröte und frischer Seeluft sollte den blühenden Start in einen Tag voller Produktivität und spiritueller Befriedigung kennzeichnen. Unter dem wachsamen und kritischem Auge des berühmt-berüchtigten Jeremy Young reisten wir durch den tiefen musikalischen Ozean des grossartigen Ludwig van, und unser Quartett fand sich vereint in einer jungen Blüte die zu den Wolken strebt.

Not until the sun had reached its zenith and once again embarked upon its mournful descent did things truly begin to deteriorate. After having enjoyed a perfectly proper luncheon of soup, bread and cheese, we were invited to spend a pleasant afternoon reposing on the sandy coast of this idyllic isle. Of course we were gushing with excitement at the prospect of a little recuperative period. We thought it would be ideal: how wrong we were...

Nach einem atemberaubenden und erfrischendem (Betonung auf beraubend und frisch) Ausflug in die türkise, klare See, fanden wir uns plötzlich und ohne Vorwarnung in der Mitte eines überaus primitiven Ballspiels mit einem Holzbläserquintett, einem Klaviertrio, einem Duo und mitsamt allen Dozenten und Organisatoren dieses bizzarren Kurses.

They had seized upon an oddly shaped ball, not at all round, and had begun to cavort across the sands in a most uncouth kind of way, risking bodily injury and wounded pride. We fled of course. We fled far, to the bunkhouse, whereupon we stole away this unusual device (they call it a 'mac' we believe) with which we are now sending out this SOS.

Wir flehen Sie an: Helfen Sie uns! Wir kommen hier nicht weg. Das grosse Schiff mit den Automobilen und den vielen Menschen, was uns hier hergebracht, nun nimmt uns nichtmehr an.
Sendet ein Flugzeug, sendet ein Boot, schwimmt her, und rettet uns!

Lest this missive ye not heed, these wretched words of despair I discard upon your fleeting attention. Let it not be forgotten that once opened, the Pandora's Box of musicians spills upon the earth its rhythmic worms of discontent and its manic melodies of matters best left unsung. So be it.

Yours, now if not forever,

The Park Quartet

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Day 3 in the Tunnnell Trust Camp.

Students and staff are all now fully integrated in the Coll way of being. Jonathan and new arrival, Sarah were shining examples of health this morning with a particularly rosy complexion due to extensive research into red grapes. Jeremy showed them up by running a 10k round the island though they were keeping the defibrillators close to hand.

Much serious work ensued after lunch and the plentiful mound of tuna sandwiches were only a cause for concern when Alex found his reed entirely blocked by bits of chewed fish. Neil gave some expert advice on treating fish based wind ensemble issues. Sarah was secretively pleased.

Y- Squared were spotted drinking hard liquor with the locals at the Coll hotel at approximately 5pm having had an intensive 6 hours of torture (cleverly disguised as lessons by Dickie and Charles). They are bearing the scars well.  Trio Hyagnis are smoking a lot.

More tomorrow; beach fun for all.

Oh and this looked quite nice on the way home:

Monday 24 June 2013

6 ways to keep your lady happy

1. Book her on a romantic cruise to a remote island.
Relax on board together, share a meal, if the seas heave and turn - take the opportunity to enjoy each others company over a drink.

2. Book a comfy B&B, get to know the locals.
Take the opportunity to experience the cuisine, activities and socialize with the friendly locals.

3. Serenade her with music - or better yet take up a musical instrument.
This is a no-brainer, pick the most romantic music you Rachmaninov...or Beethoven. You'd definitely want to stay away from Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and the like. Sometimes the classics are the best. The harder you work on the instrument the more impressed she will be.

4. Frequent the local watering hole.
There are reasons why alcohol is the social lubricant, a good conversation is a fun conversation.

5. Engage in team-oriented activities.
The more fun you can have together, the closer you'll get - common sense, but plenty of couples (especially after being together for years) find ways to avoid connecting with each other.

6. Go to a concert.
This is probably the best way to unwind after a long week of exploring. It brings people together and gives plenty to talk about - but make sure you pick concerts that contain interesting music.

This is not the definitive list, but it's a good start. The secret lies in how well you can string these points together - take some risks.


Sunday 23 June 2013

Tunell Trust and the Chamber of Music

The Aquilon Ensemble are awoken, shaking with trepidation. Today is the day Black arrives from Azkaban (Neil Black OB(o)E).

Lloyd (Gryffindor) and Potts (Hufflepuff) are thankfully safe and sound on the island after nearly missing embarkment (Life is beautiful - excellent film...) 5 points were taken from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff respectfully. Slytherin are now in the lead pending results from quidditch semi-final.

First day on Coll and the weather is blustery even by Pooh standards. Some of the more sporting and adventurous of the musicians braved the conditions for a morning jog, soaking in the beauty of their surroundings. After a solid morning's rehearsing in the excellent facilities provided on the island all participants were fed and watered. Sustenance on this remote island is by no means a difficulty, all meals have been fantastic and the musicians are very much indebted to the staff here.

Coaching sessions began in the afternoon. Needless to say all the groups arrived at dinner much inspired by the music making and the guidance received. Neil Black = legend.

Off to the pub to see the local folk band. Everyone very much looking forward to DJ Tunnell later on in the week though, rumour has it he's brought his decks...

Hear from us soon after more 'magical' musical experiences.

Best wishes,

Martha and Chris    

Saturday 22 June 2013

Day 1 - Aquilon Ensemble & Park Quartet arrive!

Today saw a damp start as the first 2 of our 4 groups arrive.

Also our Bosendorfer Grand has arrived and been installed at An Cridhe. We hope our pianists enjoy....

After a leisurely morning the first rehearsal sounds are emerging with Aquilon rehearsing in the Hall and some string practise going on here and there.

And the sun is out!

Friday 21 June 2013

Advance Party Arrives!

After a very early start Coll was reached at 10.15. Warm and muggy after a foggy start in Oban. Sun beginning to appear however. The ferry was near deserted today.

All bunk house provisions unloaded by many kind hands at An Cridhe.
Further food orders placed with Neil at the Island Stores.

School visited with an invitation to a workshop for the 30 or so children on Thursday afternoon at 2pm. Should be a fun session with Aquilon.

The Island is definitely excited at the prospect of the musical invasion.
Music tomorrow :)

Sun shining and warm by 4pm but looks a bit wet for the weekend and better from Monday.

The cuckoos are singing away. There seem to be dozens. The orchids are in full bloom - stunning!

This is Coll!

Thursday 20 June 2013

Advance Party

The Music Coll 2013 advance party is in Oban, crossing to Coll tomorrow on the 05.45 ferry :)
Weekend weather looks a bit dodgy but is set to improve at the beginning of the week :)
Looking forward to welcoming everyone on Saturday and Sunday when the full 20 strong group will be fully assembled!
Safe travels to one and all - let the adventure begin!

Sunday 2 June 2013

Go to our Bookings Page on the website at and book your Concert Tickets!
Here's a preview of the probable concert programmes.
We look forward to welcoming you!

Monday 13 May 2013

Our wonderful young musicians attending Music Coll 2013!

Come and hear them in concert 28th - 30th June on the Isle of Coll.

Sunday 12 May 2013

An Cridhe (pronounced An Creea - meaning "the heart") is the brand new community centre on the Isle of Coll in the Inner Hebrides. It is also the home for the Tunnell Trust Chamber Music Week from 22nd - 30th June 2013.

See full details on our Tunnell Trust website

During the event we will be posting regularly to give all our friends a flavour a fantastic week of music making.

Here's looking forward to a fabulous inaugural Music Coll week!